Added more descriptions for status effects on skills, particularly spells.Changes to ammo supply now show up as events in the log.Created phallus types for non-combat NPCs.Crank Master, Blowjob Expert, and Perfect Bottom now increase the effectiveness of their respective "skills".Ejaculation amount for calculating rectum/colon fullness now determined by bestiary-listed output with adjustments based on context.Naga can now engage in erotic combat as we add support for it, characters that currently don't engage in erotic combat will be able to.Cheat mode now allows you to continue your game after Game Over (though be wary of Centaurs without a Town Portal Scroll, there isn't yet a way to recover from that ending).Femininity is now controlled exclusively by feminizing activities, rather than by sex acts, although the broken.Purity has been introduced, a statistic which impacts whether Hiro will desire certain acts along with the existing perks, which effectively boost it for particular acts.Ways to recover Dignity have been added, including combat victory.Arousal and Level Up events now are displayed with icons in the log.Count of topping sex (vaginal+anal/oral).Count of ejaculations due to bottoming (anal/oral).Greatly expanded sexual history back-end and displayed more sex-statistics on the Character Screen.

If the next attack has been perceived, the predicted outcome on skill highlight is more accurate.Skills now require certain stats, rather than level.Called Shots now have multiple levels to learn.Headshots now cause Daze, which accumulates into Stun.Footshots now destabilize opponents, rather than trip.When disarmed, you can now re-equip your weapon by going into item stance.Weapon grip is damaged by parrying or disarming skills or attacks that hit the wrist.Weapon grip regens every turn based on Strength.Added Weapon Grip, replacing the old disarming function.Added Advantage status effect, which has been added as a bonus effect to certain skills and benefits certain other skills while active.Virginity is now tracked for most characters in the game, not just combatants, so you can lose your virginity to the lizard woman.
Version: - "Dignified and Pure" update